Follow the Money. Exec Dir Bill Nesper now leads a staff of 17 full timers. All of who are eligible for professional advancement by jumping to either in government or consultant firms, big buck positions predicated on gear mongering and unrealistic dogma about bicycling saving American cities, promoting Equity, keeping oceans from boiling, whatever.
Ebikers have done far more, faster, to get Americans out of their cars than all the bullshit infra pushed by the Advocacy Industrial Complex. With LABs help bicyclists will be run over by faster, heavier, wider E-things driven by ignorant riders who bring their motorist self-entitlement into the too-narrow "protected bike lanes" LAB promotes. LAB is a sham sellout.
Great article! Thanks for going into all this history of which I, at least, was largely unaware of. It also helps to explain how and on what basis the mayor of Encinitas, Blakspear, and her acolytes were able to subvert safe bicycling and replace it with an endless series of serious unnecessary accidents. What I still wonder is where the connection is between separate bicycle infrastucture, often unsafe, and the woke political is? I’m aware of the wokeists’ “war on motorists” but am unsure of how exactly that ties in to separate bike lanes. I don’t have a problem with separate bike paths, as long as they are designed for safety. In San Diego the 56 and 76 bikepaths are for the most part safe, and heavily used. I welcome the separation from the motor vehicle traffic, personally. I lived in Sweden for 10 years in the 1970’s, and visit there frequently. Their system of bike paths, often gravelled, is to me an example of an excellent safe biking culture. But that is not the same as Vision Zero.
It's not that infra overlaps WOKE. There is money in consulting and paving infra. There's career advancement in promoting projects the drag down Fed grants. Greed captured the League.
The segregationists and street furnishers are "wokelike," in the sense that they are intolerant of any diversity of opinion or honest, rational debate.
Follow the Money. Exec Dir Bill Nesper now leads a staff of 17 full timers. All of who are eligible for professional advancement by jumping to either in government or consultant firms, big buck positions predicated on gear mongering and unrealistic dogma about bicycling saving American cities, promoting Equity, keeping oceans from boiling, whatever.
Ebikers have done far more, faster, to get Americans out of their cars than all the bullshit infra pushed by the Advocacy Industrial Complex. With LABs help bicyclists will be run over by faster, heavier, wider E-things driven by ignorant riders who bring their motorist self-entitlement into the too-narrow "protected bike lanes" LAB promotes. LAB is a sham sellout.
Great article! Thanks for going into all this history of which I, at least, was largely unaware of. It also helps to explain how and on what basis the mayor of Encinitas, Blakspear, and her acolytes were able to subvert safe bicycling and replace it with an endless series of serious unnecessary accidents. What I still wonder is where the connection is between separate bicycle infrastucture, often unsafe, and the woke political is? I’m aware of the wokeists’ “war on motorists” but am unsure of how exactly that ties in to separate bike lanes. I don’t have a problem with separate bike paths, as long as they are designed for safety. In San Diego the 56 and 76 bikepaths are for the most part safe, and heavily used. I welcome the separation from the motor vehicle traffic, personally. I lived in Sweden for 10 years in the 1970’s, and visit there frequently. Their system of bike paths, often gravelled, is to me an example of an excellent safe biking culture. But that is not the same as Vision Zero.
It's not that infra overlaps WOKE. There is money in consulting and paving infra. There's career advancement in promoting projects the drag down Fed grants. Greed captured the League.
The segregationists and street furnishers are "wokelike," in the sense that they are intolerant of any diversity of opinion or honest, rational debate.
True. There are many flavors of “woke.”